Notice of Non-Approved ISO Cylinders Coming into Canada

Notice of Non-Approved ISO Cylinders Coming into Canada

It has come to our attention that an influx of non-approved ISO cylinders has been coming into Canada. CSA B342-2018, a standard enforced by Transport Canada, sets out the requirements for selecting, using, handling, and filling UN pressure receptacles (i.e., cylinders) for transporting dangerous goods included in Class 2 gases.

The standard is referenced in the TDG regulations, Section 5.10 Means of Containment for Class 2, Gases, which specifies that means of containment in accordance with CSA B342 are permitted for the transportation of dangerous goods in Class 2 by any mode.

To determine whether an ISO cylinder is acceptable for use, Transport Canada states the following on their website:

CSA B342 only authorizes the use of UN pressure receptacles that have been manufactured by CSA B341 and marked with the letters “CAN,” depicting Canada as the country of approval or UN pressure receptacles that have been manufactured by 49 CFR and marked with the letters “USA” as the country of approval. Canada and the USA mutually recognize the regulatory approvals for UN pressure receptacles. This means that UN pressure receptacles marked with “CAN” or “USA” as the country of approval can be used seamlessly and interchangeably in the USA and Canada.

Any ISO cylinders that do not have the UN marking and either “CAN” or “USA” as the country
of approval are not permitted for use in Canada. They cannot be filled, transported nor requalified. Know what you are buying to ensure that you are compliant!

The following is a diagram of UN/ISO cylinder markings:

In the non-approved cylinders that have been seen in the Canadian market, it is evident that they are not conforming to the standards for the following reasons:

  • They did not have a UN mark prior to the ISO9809-3 designation. (The diagram above shows ISO9809-1; however, the non-approved cylinders found are marked ISO9809-3.)
  • They do not have a Country of Approval Stamp mark with either “CAN” or “USA.”
  • They do not have an inspection stamp from an independent certification body.
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