Cylinder Servicing & Refurbishment

Refurb & Paint

Customers can have their cylinders painted with one color or several colors, custom spray paint, stencils, or any special requirement; all are welcome. Before painting, each cylinder is sandblasted.

We also offer reliable reproduction for strippers’ requirements and avail effective innovative technologies. No WILL CAN remove the caked-on paint of any type, which is impossible to get off using conventional industry methods. Our method is manufactured with the manufacturer’s approval.

Change of Services

Our cleaning methods cover both internal and external in case of pollution or to improve the cylinder’s cosmetic appearance. We used solvents approved by industry conventions (and safe for use with oxygen) to clean cylinders internally when specific service changes demanded it or if there was an internal drag down at any other time.

Tare Weight & Personalized Marking

According to NIST, our scales are accurate to 0.2 lbs. Tare weights can be stamped onto tags, the valve, or directly on the cylinder, as requested. We also offer personalized marking to help display cylinder ownership.

Dip Tube Installation

We can remove siphon tubes upon request or install and fix brass or plastic ones.

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